For the final installment of The Cougar, Stacey brought the two finalists, Sexy (Horny) Jimmy the Trainer, and Sexy (Elusive) Colt the Musician, home to meet her kids.
This is what we were all dreading the whole "season" -- she actually put her kids on camera. Yeesh.
Like Stacey, the kids are cute and appealing, but you have to wonder: wtf does this do to their concept of how people meet, fall in love and get married?
Oh, wait. Did I spoil it for you? Yes, the series ends with a proposal, a ring (from a sponsor, complete with prominent logo placement) and an acceptance. And then tons of macking out. Yick.
Of course, that doesn't give anything away because the kissing just doesn't stop on this show. You get the feeling she gives guy at the Starbucks drive thru a buck and a tongue bath. Seriously, who doesn't she kiss?
The Most Dramatic Rose Ceremony Herpes Kiss Off Session Ever
The denouement happened Bachelor-style, with each guy coming to meet Stacey alone.
First up was Colt. On his way in, he said that he had finally let his guard down, and oh baby he was in love. L-U-V, love. Uh oh, all reality show veterans knew what that meant: a mean producer tricked him into saying all this stuff, knowing how awful it would 32 seconds later, when Stacey, via Out Loud Feeling Verbalizing, kicked him to the curb.
He was crushed. The camera stayed with him in the car as he battled through the shock and then finally broke down. It felt dirty and wrong and overly intrusive to watch. You know, sort of like the whole season.
But no time for navel-gazing! Jimmy was on his way into the Kiss and Cry area, ready to reap the rewards due a man who can Do It on pool table with the camera rolling: his very own Cougar!
Yes, Stacey picked him and he immediately:
- got down on one knee
- pulled out a ring box
- opened it so the camera could see the logo clearly
- asked Stacey to marry him
Inexplicably, Stacey seemed Harlequin Romance Novel Shocked at his proposal, but said yes. Cue the kissing and credits. The End!
Thank you for watching with me, and please don't ever make me do this again. Unless there's a season two, starring Travis the Near Girl's Mom, Susan. In that case, I'm so in!
- Cat/BadKitty
Inexplicably, Stacey seemed Harlequin Romance Novel Shocked at his proposal, but said yes. Cue the kissing and credits. The End!
Posted by: darkfall gold | 07/06/2009 at 11:53 PM