« Suites, Whores, Bikes, and Horse Poop - Our "Somewhere In Time" Adventure on Mackinac Island | Main | Next year we're going as media. No, really, it's "research." »



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maggie fox

Hey Cat and Stefania - it was so great to grab soul food and meet you both (yes, we ordered six sides!). Hope you had a wonderful drive to BlogHer!

Erica Mueller

Cracking up! I'd seen pics, but hadn't read the story. So funny. Evidently, Scott thought so too, cause I found the link to this post via his Twitter feed. haha

What a great sport!

Scott Monty

Glad to have provided a little light entertainment along the way. It wouldn't have been a thing without your creativity and sense of fun.

Scott Monty
Global Digital Communications
Ford Motor Company


OMG, so much fun reading your adventure! Love it!
So cool that Ford is being so awesome, sustainable, and full of fabulous women, too. :D
Looking forward to the rest of the installments!


OMG...that was so funny.

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40 Whatever Approved

Things to Do When We're 40 (The Not Bucket List)

  • A barbecue tour of the South
    We'll start in the Carolinas and end in Texas and sample the best barbecue America has to offer. Why? Because we like meat.
  • Hotel Living
    We like: mini bars, movies, and lounging around in our pajamas with our laptops right where they are supposed to be. We'll bring running shoes to pretend like we're going to work out, but really, who are we kidding. You see where this is going?
  • Knock some sense into dumb people
    We'd love to be the camp counselors on a show like the Real World or Rock of Love.
  • Eating Dinner in a Vineyard While the Sun Sets
    You know those scenes of a dining table set in a Tuscan or Sonoma vineyard dressed with beautiful linens and people sitting around it drinking wine and eating and laughing while the sun goes down? We want to be those people.
  • Yoga Retreat in New Mexico
    Some of our fondest memories are of spending time doing yoga together. Do other wannabe yoginis spend the entire class laughing together? We do.