Last week we trotted off to the farmer's market and were disappointed to learn that for that week only, our beloved market was replaced by a cultural fair. It was all jewelry and candles and pottery and not what we were looking for, so we were forced to duck into our local natural foods for our weekly supply of peaches and nectarines, but it wasn't the same.
The farmer's market was back in effect this weekend ,and because I can feel a chill in the air in the mornings (and our heat even kicked on one day), I was hunting for fall ingredients.
The mesclun lettuces—accented with autumal-colored flowers—looked gorgeous (my camera phone doesn't do it justice) and the fresh okra and golden cauliflower looked mouth watering. Several vendors had heirloom squash out and even pumpkins. Fall is here!
Bunny woke up in the middle of the night last night complaining that she wasn't feeling good, so we decided to make a big batch of vegetable soup today. She chose beautiful dark green green beans, red and yellow chard, curly spinach, and zucchini for the soup. I got a rotisserie chicken, boned it for our lunch then threw the carcass into a large soup pot along with a parmesan rind to start the stock.
We picked up a jar of Happy Girl Kitchen's pesto which will be our "pistou" to top our veggie soup along with shavings of salty, earthy pecorino romano. And on the side, a loaf of freshly baked whole grain bread.
I love the farmer's market when summertime produce is bountiful, and indeed, we are lucky to live in California where we get great produce all year, but I also love it in the fall and winter (our market is year-round) when the pickings are slimmer forcing one to be more creative about what to cook.
Just when I think I can't eat one more leaf of basil or one more heirloom tomato (who could ever imagine thinking such a thing!), fall is upon us with new culinary possibilities. Just in time.
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