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October 14, 2008



There are so many worthy organizations/schools in the southbay that would love it:

Sinai Nursery School (it's the Jewish high holy days in October)

Woodhaven Preschool at the United Methodist Church in Willow Glen

The nursery at Campbell United Methodist Church

St. Elizabeth's Day Home in San Jose

Gemini Crickets, Parents of Multiples (who donate to needy twins families)

Sacred Heart Community Center in San Jose (day workers, immigrants)

...any of those would be so grateful and are so worthy. :)

Janet F

Edgewood Center for Children and Families (Edgewood) today announced that its short-term residential program serving severely abused, neglected, and mentally ill children will remain open to San Francisco kids thanks to the City of San Francisco and a heroic response by the community.

Operation Kids

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Jill Asher

You should give this to the Clara Mateo Alliance Shelter in Menlo Park. Or the OPPORTUNITY Center in Palo Alto. Both are run by InnVision... and both have families with young children.

Very cool giveaway.. and very generous.


Naomi in Ohio

I'm not from the area, so I can't help ... but what a GREAT way to offer a giveaway!

how to make dollhouse furniture

What a beautiful dollhouse!

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